Craniosacral Therapy

Craniosacral therapy (CST) is a therapeutic modality that involves individualized, distinct light-touch and intentional release of restrictions and tensions throughout the body. This is a non-invasive, gentle, yet powerful technique that “adjusts” and “balances” the nervous system and the tissues of the body. Recipients of CST lie relaxed, typically on a massage table, as the CST practitioner initially assesses the body. Any imbalances, tensions and / or restrictions that are detected are addressed via initiating release and unwinding of the body in a highly specific yet gentle way allowing the entire body to relax, release and self correct over time. In this way, the benefits of CST go far beyond the session and can have long-lasting healing effects for the recipients. Because CST is so gentle, it can be effective for all ages – infants to elders.

CST is a technique that is used to address chronic and acute pain, headaches, TMJ, congestion of the sinuses, digestive disorders, menstrual complaints, anxiety, ADHD, grief, depression, trauma, just to name a few... Many times, patients will discover that the CST benefits can extend beyond their initial complaint, and realize that other areas of their body have also shifted and improved as a "side effect" of CST.

Why is CST beneficial to the nervous system?

Our nervous system has an intricate role within almost every other system in our body. For example, our digestive system has an enteric nervous system completely separate from our central nervous system – the brain and spinal cord. Our autonomic nervous system influences the function of our heart, lungs, vessels, digestive organs, genitourinary organs, reproductive organs, adrenal glands, skin and even the pupils in our eyes! 

One way I like to explain how CST works include "balancing the nervous system." Addressing and releasing the tissues of the nervous system has many “side effects” including balancing the autonomic nervous system, improving immune function, digestion, cognition, mood, sleep and general well being. It also helps to decrease pain, stress, and release old patterns that prevent one from stepping into a space of power, creativity and health. CST also assists in the release of the body's holding / protective patterns and past traumas that have the tendency of being held and hidden within the tissues of our body. 

The Autonomic Nervous System:  Sympathetic + Parasympathetic

The autonomic nervous system is comprised of the sympathetic (“fight or flight”) and parasympathetic (“rest and digest”) responses. Most of us live in a society and culture that too often stimulates the sympathetic nervous system response. Though the sympathetic state is not harmful in short bouts, remaining in a sympathetic state chronically can cause conditions for disease and a decline in health. Entering into a parasympathetic state is required for recovery and healing to occur. CST is veryeffective technique to bring someone into a parasympathetic state, allowing healing to take place, as well as to assist the body in rebalancing the autonomic nervous system.

CST & Naturopathic Medicine

CST is an individualized therapy that can address many health issues through stimulating the body’s innate ability to heal and self correct, making it a perfect therapeutic for naturopathic doctors to utilize. The goal of the naturopathic doctor is to first do no harm, to identify and treat the cause of disease, to treat the whole person, to prevent illness, to teach, and to stimulate the body’s innate ability to heal, known as one’s vitality or Vis. I use this technique with almost every patient I work with, as I see time and time again, the powerful and potent benefits of it.  Interested? Want to experience it for yourself? Begin your journey...

In Health & Balance,

Dr. Sarah Sue

Dr. Sarah Sue Myers