Lessons on Intuition, How it Impacts Health & Taking the Plunge

"Intuition is that inner self-knowing, the messenger that allows us to discern whether something is or is not right for us."  

Intuition is that inner self-knowing, the messenger that allows us to discern whether something is or is not right for us.  Some call it our spirit, soul, heart, or gut feeling.  Many times, it is a hard thing to listen to and trust.  We are typically not trained on how to recognize the messages that intuition brings to us.  On the contrary, in our society and culture, the values and skills that are taught and valued are ones of critical thinking, logic, and rational thought.  Though all valuable skills, they can completely contradict our abilities to use intuition as a tool, a tool just as important, maybe most important of all!  It is the battle of the head and the heart.  And even if we do recognize it, what do we do with it? 

"And what if you are willing to trust your intuition?  Then what?  The next step can be the scary part… change."  

Obstacles can come up when attempting to listen to intuition - self-doubt, rationalizing away the feelings, fear of unknown, self doubt.  What if your intuition contradicts everything else going on in your life?  I am sure most of us can recall a time in our life when we have felt something is wrong, that something needs to change.  Perhaps within a relationship, social setting, education or career path… And what if you are willing to trust your intuition?  Then what?  The next step can be the scary part… change.  Sometimes the alternative is unknown and it can be frightening to think of. 

This is a space that I was stuck in for over a year, that space of limbo between my current situation and the unknown.  My intuition was telling me that something was deeply wrong.  Initially, the message was vague, and easy to "think" away.  Each time those feelings came up, my head would intervene.  I let my prior skills of logic and rational thought convince me how foolish these feelings were.  This provided to be a huge mental, emotional and spiritual challenge for me in my life, my relationships and my career.  I was stuck, with my head telling me one thing, and my intuition telling me another.  

"When coming from a space of feeling stuck, it is difficult to envision alternatives for oneself."

The thing about intuition though, is that it does not relent.  And so it goes, my intuition persisted and became louder and LOUDER.  In time, the message became more clear, many times clear to the point of bringing me into deep melancholy, depression, & dissatisfaction as it contradicted what my head argued otherwise, and it scared me.  My message was that I did not belong where I was and I needed to leave.  It terrified me to admit this aloud for a long time.  The longer I waited, the deeper I committed myself, the more stuck I felt and the more I suffered physically, mentally & spiritually.  A lesson I have had the opportunity to learn several times is that when coming from a space of feeling stuck, it is difficult to envision alternatives for oneself. 

For a long time, in my eyes, there were no alternatives, and that was very terrifying and very heavy.  For almost a year and a half, I was not able to fully listen, acknowledge, trust, let go, and to take that plunge into the space of the unknown.  However, deep down, I knew that would be the only road to happiness for me.

"Another risk of not listening to intuition beyond mental and emotional suffering, is that our physical health may begin to suffer..."

Another risk of not listening to intuition beyond mental and emotional suffering, is that our physical health may begin to suffer as well.  As a naturopathic doctor, I see this theme come up often.  My goal is to help get to the root cause of suffering and illness with people.  Many times, the root cause lies in this realm.  It is incredible how many diseases, illnesses and symptoms can manifest from not tuning into one's intuition, listening and trusting oneself.  I am constantly amazed to see this cause and effect show up again and again, especially when this scenario became personal, and began to effect my own physical health.  That was really when I knew it was time to listen and brace myself for the plunge.

"If we listen, observe, and remain curious, we can recognize meaningful signs that help to confirm if we are or are not on the right path..."  

In the novel, The Alchemist, the main character embarks out on his "hero's journey," or as he refers to it as his "personal legend."  This character receives signs all along the way, confirming that he is on the right path.  If we listen, observe, and remain curious, we can recognize meaningful signs that help to confirm if we are or are not on the right path.  Either way, we can tune into external forces outside of ourselves, that accompany us on our journey – Great Spirit, God, Allah, Gaia, Universe, call it whatever you want – to help guide us.  If we allow ourselves to open up, there are signs and messages for us in many shapes and forms.  The signs and messages that I received helped to guide me and give me the courage to take the plunge.

When that time came, and it was decided to leave, all of a sudden, the choice was easy.  That same choice that had I had feared and denied for so long, now was all I could do.  The obstacles that my rational and “heady” thoughts created disappeared.  It felt like all the fear, heaviness, and feeling stuck was lifted, the dam was broken, allowing the waters of the river to flow freely once again.  

"It can be confusing and terrifying, but beyond, I can promise lightness, freedom, clarity and deeper fulfillment...  It may not look exactly how you envisioned, but trust the process and take that plunge."

I share this story with you to acknowledge and share the challenges of listening to intuition and taking the plunge.  It is not easy.  I have certainly struggled in my own journey with it.  It can be confusing and terrifying, but beyond, I can promise lightness, freedom, clarity and deeper fulfillment. It may not look exactly how you envisioned, but trust the process and take that plunge.​

Many Blessings,
Dr. Sarah Sue

Dr. Sarah Sue Myers